
以下是我们社区可用的受害者/证人资源(排名不分先后).  The italic paragraphs are mission statements of the organization.

  • Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention Program (SHARPP): “SHARPP的使命是消除性暴力和亲密伴侣暴力. SHARPP's mission is accomplished in two parts: by providing free and confidential advocacy and direct services to all survivors and their allies; and by offering culturally competent awareness and prevention programs to the University of New Hampshire community.“SHARPP是UNH社区成员为跟踪受害者提供的资源, domestic (and/or dating) violence, and sexual assault. 
  • : Formerly SASS and A Safe Place, 还 serves the communities of "Southeastern New Hampshire and those women, men and children affected by domestic violence and sexual violence.  我们在支持个人和家庭的同时消除家庭暴力和性暴力的能力比以往任何时候都更强."
  • UNH Psychological and Counseling 服务 (PACS): “ Our of multidisciplinary team composed of psychologists, 社会工作者, 和心理学学员在解决大学生的独特需求方面非常熟练,并完全致力于提高学生的能力,使他们充分受益于大学的环境和学术经验. "联合国大学心理与咨询服务部为学生提供心理健康服务, 工作人员, 和老师. 
  • UNH 健康 and 健康: “The University of New Hampshire 健康 服务 promotes, 维护和改善大学社区的健康和福祉,以支持该机构的学术使命.  This is accomplished by providing primary health care services, by teaching health care consumerism, illness prevention and health promotion, by providing co-curricular learning opportunities for students, and through its public health role.  服务方便、成本效益高,并以关怀和专业的方式提供.  大学员工也可以方便地获得某些临床和教育服务.  卫生和保健部不断提高其护理和服务的质量.”  
  • The New Hampshire Coalition against Domestic and Sexual Violence: “…creates safe and just communities through advocacy, prevention and empowerment of anyone affected by sexual violence, domestic violence 和被人跟踪.虽然该联盟不是一个危机中心,但它是“一个伞状组织,为14个为性侵犯幸存者提供服务的成员机构提供技术和财政支持。, domestic violence, 和被人跟踪.” SHARPP and SASS are members of this coalition.  该联盟可以帮助社区成员在离开校园时寻求帮助. 
  • The Domestic Violence Emergency Project (DOVE)"…是新罕布什尔州律师协会公益推荐计划的一个项目,为家庭暴力受害者提供紧急法律服务…[DOVE]在家庭暴力限制令最终听证会上为符合条件的客户提供免费法律代表…"
  • Strafford County Family Justice Center: “在这里,幸存者可以在一个屋檐下找到他们需要的许多服务.  一起工作, we provide coordinated, comprehensive services…”  Present at the Center are the above mentioned SASS and A Safe Place; also present are “NH Legal Assistance” and “Law Enforcement.”  According to the Center, “执法人员……提供安全……(并)可以提供初步犯罪报告.” 
  • Strafford County Attorney’s Office Domestic Violence Unit: “受害者援助协调员通过提供信息和支持,并确保受害者获得新罕布什尔州犯罪受害者权利法案中概述的所有权利,协助受害者和证人进行法律程序.   一旦警察部门提出指控,支持就会开始,一直持续到案件处理完毕.  如果案件进入审判阶段,受害者和证人将需要出庭作证.  Many times, this is a new and unfamiliar experience for them.  在这种情况下, 受害者援助在解释过程和在整个法庭诉讼过程中提供支持方面是最有帮助的.”
  • UNH Affirmative Action and Equity Office: “……负责监督大学遵守平权行动的努力, 第九条, disability laws and regulations (including ADA and Section 504), equal employment laws, and campus initiatives aimed at creating a diverse, welcoming and equitable campus.”
  • UNH Office of 社区 Standards:“……支持和执行行为标准,旨在营造一种文明和尊重的环境,在这种环境中,权利和责任都受到高度重视和珍视. 行为与调解办公室尊重学生的诚信,保护学生的权利,并通过执行大学的政策和法规确保公平. 我们的办公室还为大学社区提供有关冲突管理和解决的资源, 提供项目和服务以促进关键生活技能的发展.” The Office of 社区 Standards can service as a quasi-court system, and is often used by students to mediate issues. 
  • Beauregard Center: “……为人们参与包容性社区、探索和理解多样性创造了机会, injustice and equity. 他们的工作是建立在理解包括各种能力的人的多样性的基础上的, ages and ethnicities, 性别, 民族, 比赛, religions/spiritual traditions, socio-economic classes and sexual orientations. OMSA provides support and development for African American/Black, 拉丁/ o, Native American and Asian/Pacific Islanders, as well as lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, queer and questioning students.”
  • UNH Student Accessibility 服务“……为有残疾记录的学生提供服务,以确保所有大学活动和项目都是无障碍的. 为残疾退伍军人提供个性化的住宿和支持服务. 该办公室还促进学生自力更生和个人独立的发展,这是在大学环境中取得成功所必需的.”
  • Wentworth-Douglass Hospital (WDH): Located in Dover, NH WDH is the closest hospital to the Durham campus. WDH can provide rape kit examinations. 在卫生保健服务关闭,学生的医疗护理不能等到卫生保健服务开放时,卫生保健署也是卫生保健学生的下班后服务提供者. Other hospitals in our area include; Portsmouth Hospital傅强恩医院 (Rochester, NH) and 埃克塞特医院
  • NH Department of Justice –Victims’ Compensation Program:“……帮助暴力犯罪的无辜受害者支付与犯罪伤害直接相关的费用... 经济损失必须与符合条件的轻罪或重罪暴力犯罪直接相关.”